* Images used are not actual patients

NEPHROSCAN®, after radiolabeling is an imaging diagnostic to evaluate kidney tissue disorders in adults, pediatric and term neonate patients1. NEPHROSCAN® provides an accurate method for assessing the kidneys’ function, location and potential scarring in the kidneys2. Compared to conventional imaging such as ultrasound, Tc-99m DMSA is more sensitive in detecting kidney defects in various acquired and congenital renal abnormalities3,4.

  1. NEPHROSCAN® [prescribing information]. Braintree, MA: Theragnostics Inc. February 2022
  2. SNMMI Procedure Standard/EANM Practice Guideline on Pediatric [99mTc]Tc-DMSA Renal Cortical Scintigraphy: An Update, May 2021
  3. Sensitivity of ultrasound compared to Tc-99m DMSA in acute pyelonephritis: Kidney level ranges from 21.2% to 89.7% (estimate of 68% (95% CI 64.9 to 71%). Wallin et al 1993 and Zhu et al, 2020.
  4. Sensitivity of ultrasound compared to Tc-99m DMSA in renal scarring: Kidney level ranges from 35.6% to 86.5% (estimate of 44.3% (95% CI 41.8 to 46.7%). Marceau-Grimard et al 2004 and Barry et al, 1998.

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Indications and Usage: NEPHROSCAN®, after radiolabeling with technetium Tc 99m, is a radioactive diagnostic agent indicated for use as an aid in the scintigraphic evaluation of renal parenchymal disorders in adults and pediatric patients including term neonates.

Important Safety Information:

Hypersensitivity Reactions: Hypersensitivity reactions, including urticaria, rash, pruritus, and erythema have been reported with the use of technetium Tc 99m succimer injection in adults and pediatric patients.